Pipe penetrations

DDL annular seals for cable and pipe penetrations
Ring-Seal modular seals Lu-GT
Pipe-Seal compact seals

Ring seals (modular seals) and/or pipe seals (also called compact seals) are generally employed for sealing cable and pipe penetrations.

Modular ring seals are mostly used in civil engineering, pipe construction and in large pipes in pipeline constructions. The main field of application of compact pipe seals are building entries and wall penetrations. All DDL sealing systems are waterproof against pressing water and can be used for cable penetrations or pipe penetrations into base tiles as well.

In general, the sealing systems are inserted directly into the core-drilled hole. To make them waterproof, the inside of these holes should be laminated (preferably with epoxy resin coating) before inserting the seal. In most new constructions, penetrations are prepared by installing wall sleeves (made of polymer quartz sand cement or fiber cement) or steel wall sleeves (made of black steel, galvanized steel or stainless steel) already fitted in the course of shuttering.